Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oh Hell...

I'm officially out of ideas. I had enough ideas to get through college and now I've run dry. So... I think this makes me a normal person. I don't even care about health care anymore. Pretty soon I'm probably going to think it'd be crazy to pull out of Iraq until total and complete victory has been achieved. It makes perfect sense. We need to win or else we're not winners.

Maybe that's the problem with college; we just let things get too complicated by learning about them. We could waste time trying to tell the difference between the political and religious groups grasping for some semblance of power in the Middle East or we could realize when the war's over they're all going to be Yankees fans anyway and none of that deep-rooted social identity will mean anything. John McCain is just looking at the big picture.

So tomorrow I'm going to draw two cartoons. I was going to draw one today; this did not happen. I think I'm going to try to get something published as soon as I can because this not accomplishing anything is getting old.

I'll let you know how it goes.