Monday, June 16, 2008

Guess What I Saw

I just saw a commercial for Scientology. On the television. A commercial. Seriously.

While there are many reasons I object to this, the most glaring is the fact that I use television to escape from reality by distracting myself with silly stories containing impossibly simple life lessons that can only prove inadequate when viewed outside the context of this pointless time wasting distraction. As such I feel I can understand what it's like to be religious, but I don't barge into a church halfway through the "Job deserved it" speech and tell everyone they should be watching House. And I love House.

I can respect their right to busy themselves with their mindless, uninteresting fairy-tales. I want them to respect my right to watch television doctors quip cleverly and occasionally talk to patients.

I don't know if you're getting this, but I think religion is stupid.

And I love House.