Saturday, August 15, 2009

Strange thing I saw on CNN

CNN has been rerunning a special report called Generation Islam in which Christiane Amanpour travels the Middle East (I didn't watch the whole thing, but I believe I saw her in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Palestine) examining how children are being influenced by the religious, social, and political aspects of being Muslim.

I noticed, as I was warming two day old spaghetti, she interviewed an American former mountain-climber current school teacher (or builder) and the author of a book my mother has been insisting I read. He's become famous for building schools for girls in places where schools for girls generally get burned down by extremist thugs.

During the interview the local chief of police mentioned, with a full, toothed grin, that he'd issued a shoot to kill order on anyone found harassing, intimidating, or otherwise messing with the young girls who go to this man's school.

It was so heartwarming an authorization of murder I felt in no way morally obligated to oppose it.