I don't know why ice hisses. It's melting, so that's probably got something to do with it. I know when water freezes the space between the molecules expands, which is neat... but I don't know if that's at all relevant.
As for things I do know, I've come to enjoy the taste of whiskey. I thought I enjoyed the taste of whiskey, I'd actually spent months (or years... probably months) under the delusion I'd enjoyed the taste of whiskey, but what I drank was one part whiskey to three (or four) parts water (which I thought was clever because the drink would last longer, I'd stay hydrated, and I didn't feel ashamed to hide behind the thickening agent of high-fructose corn-syrup).
And I believed, because water has less of a taste than most anything I could tell myself I hadn't masked the taste... merely stretched it... or more accurately muted it. I'd turned whiskey into something to be gulped, glugged, and otherwise slid over my tongue on a wave of di-hydrogen-oxide (I wanted to be clever but I dropped out of the honors science course after biology, so I'm not at all sure if that's a term or mathematically valid... I dropped out of honors math January of my freshman year).
* — I interrupt my discussion on learning to enjoy whiskey because I just got finished looking up the menu for a local French restaurant online and discovered, as soon as I closed the tab, I'd been using the menu I'd remembered to grab, the last time I was at this French restaurant, as a coaster... which relates because the drink in that coaster is unsurprisingly whiskey — *
But I'm now sipping whiskey, and as I push it around my mouth (not swishing it through my teeth but I'd considered writing that because I'm running out of ways to illustrate putting liquor in my mouth), and feel a burning which I used to find revolting, nauseating — unpleasant even — a burn I now relish, or feel as though I ought to, or maybe just "don't mind all too much".
** — Also, in case you were wondering, I was checking to see if I could get a French dip at the French restaurant, because I enjoy this sandwich... so far I believe my favorite was from a restaurant somewhere in Rome... and the French restaurant apparently does not sell French dip sandwiches —**
I can't be certain, but I feel I might be tasting (or at least smelling) the things listed on the back of the bottle, like caramel and vanilla and malt and alcohol.
*** — Does anyone know where I can go for a French Dip? — ***
The ice has melted and thus my whiskey has mellowed significantly (which is nice).