Today I have a headache.
I think it's part of the mild cold/flu like illness I picked up by being on an airplane (or rather two airplanes... and the most famous theme park in the world... so all things considered I was probably stupid not to expect being infected).
To remedy the dull pain beneath my eyes and behind my nose I took some aspirin and soon found my nose, which had been running for the past three days but recently seemed to have abated, dripping. Without thinking I reached for a tissue, took a deep breath, and blew with all my might (which is not true at all, but I think it sounds good).
As I pulled the tissue from my face I discovered it (and later the bottom half of my face) spattered with bright red blood... thick blood too... still kind of mucus-y.
It's not the first time I've blown my nose and covered something with blood (usually a sink or a glass shower-door because this looks pretty cool) but I can't remember doing so without some knowledge that one of my precious liquids was about to be expelled with great force (my imprecious liquids include: urine, saliva, sweat, and semen — which has not, as of yet, proven in any way useful).
Stay tuned for more hard hitting, ground breaking journalism from the good folks here at Cranberry Justice.