It sounds like someone's bouncing basketballs outside. One guy, bouncing dozens and dozens of basketballs.
An update:
I have taken two extra-strength aspirin for my headache. I decided the odds of me having to drive a car off of my sofa were more impressive than the possibility that I might be impaled on something or other. So, as a result, I chose blood thinners over opiates. I guess that whole odds thing isn't really true, which just goes to show you even minutes before my untimely demise I'm still terrible at math.
I've decided scientists are just as self-righteous as the religious, though I respect scientist because they're at least looking to change things and often times will confess that they have no idea what any of it means. It's difficult for me to deny the ballsiness of building machines that may destroy all of existence. You've got to be pretty certain of something when you build a machine that could potentially destroy all of existence, and no, it's not that you're not going to destroy all of existence, it's that what you're doing matters. Scientists, excluding those who are in it for fame, those who have nothing better to do, and those who are just trying to prove to themselves that women should have had sex with them in high school, are sure enough that advancing human knowledge is worthwhile that they're completely willing to put an end to humanity in pursuit of this goal. It's not democratic, but then again, I wouldn't trust the fate of our species to the collective whim of the "average man". If mankind as a whole were supposed to guide our species they wouldn't have invented nobel prizes, gold stars, or the cover of Time Magazine.
I've found grey hairs. I'm old enough to have grey hairs. And red hairs. And blonde hairs. And brown. And black. I have all the hair colors. This is a thing I like about me.
Power's going out.
And the wind began to howl.